St. Dominic's Community

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Scroll down for this week's Mass schedule. 

Preparing for the 2023 Synod with Pope Francis

W/C Sunday 8th September 2024
Saturday 7th: Of the Day

10.00am Confessions in St. Dominic's Chapel

SUNDAY 8th: Twenty-third SUNDAY of the Year

(Year B)

Sat. 5.00pm Mass in Market Bosworth Odelia Benet

Sat. 6.30pm MASS The parishes

Sun. 8.00am MASS Betty King

Sun. 9.45am MASS Nancy Daly

Sun. 11.30am Mass in Earl Shilton November Dead List

Monday 9th: Of the Day

8.00am Mass in Hinckley Tim Norton

8.30am Meeting of the Pastoral Team

10.00am Mass in Earl Shilton Special Intention (Zieba)

10.30am Meeting of the Pastoral Team 

6.00pm Don Bosco Group

7.30pm AlterNativity organisers

7.30pm Prayer Group in Market Bosworth

Tuesday 10th: Of the Day

9.30am Eucharistic Service in Hinckley

Wednesday 11th: Of the Day

10.00am Mass in Market Bosworth Ferdiah McKinney

10.30am Meeting of the Market Bosworth Pastoral Team

12.00pm Mass in Hinckley Margaret O'Sullivan

1.00pm Friendly Club

7.30pm Market Bosworth Parish Council

Thursday 12th: Of the Day

9.30am Mass in Hinckley Catherine McGlynn

2.00pm Baptism of Rory Mick Huddlestone

Friday 13th: Saint John Chrysostom

9.30am Mass in St. Peter's School, Earl Shilton

12.00pm Mass in Hinckley Paul Lallo


Saturday 14th: The Exultation of the Holy Cross

9.30am Gardening morning

10.00am Confessions in St. Dominic's Chapel

SUNDAY 15th: Twenty-fourth SUNDAY of the Year

(Year B)

Sat. 5.00pm Mass in Market Bosworth Special Intention (Roland & Janet)

Sat. 6.30pm MASS Milo Hall

Sun. 8.00am MASS The parishes

Sun. 9.45am MASS Deceased Oliveira family

Sun. 11.30am Mass in Earl Shilton Wanda Marszacek

Funerals: The following Funerals will take place this week:

You may send in Mass intentions as normal and they will be said on the day you request, if at all possible.

November Dead Listis now published in all our churches . If you wish to have your relatives’ names added to it, please put the list through the Priory door.